A stronger position among business customers through thought leadership
Købstædernes Forsikring wanted to position themselves as a key player in cyber insurance for an important customer segment of smaller Danish companies. Based on our own analyses, an event, and the current debate, we created several opportunities to communicate to both existing and potential customers.
Small businesses are an important customer group for Købstædernes Forsikring. As more and more businesses experience cybercrime such as hacker attacks, online bank robberies, ransomware and more, the insurance company wanted to make more businesses aware that Købstædernes Forsikring offer insurance to cover operational losses and costs associated with cybercrime.
It was easy to inform their own business customers about the possibility of creating an insurance. The challenge was to reach out to potential customers and convince them that even small businesses are affected by cybercrime and may need insurance.
In collaboration with the marketing and communications department of Købstædernes Forsikring, RelationsPeople developed a thought leadership approach based on knowledge, attitude, and action within cyber security. In collaboration with an analytics firm, RelationsPeople conducted an analysis of 350 small businesses’ own cybercrime experiences and preparedness and used these insights to inform communications activities in editorial and social media, including LinkedIn in particular.
Several company executives appeared in both industry and national media with clear views on cybercrime and the responsibility of the insurance industry to help small businesses. These activities demonstrated thought leadership as well as being directly sales supportive. The initiative was combined with a digital marketing campaign that ran simultaneously. In addition, Købstædernes Forsikring showed initiative for concrete action in this area by organising and inviting local businesses to an event on cybercrime.